Tuesday, January 27, 2009

so here's a little secret i'm letting you in on and a little preview of whats to come hopefully by the end of this year..before my dear friend leaves for thailand for 2 years.

and im only putting this up because noone really reads this.

we've decided on this book cover.

there's still a lot to be done.
but the goal is to be done before this year ends.

im crossing my fingers,
but doing a lot more than that!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

a toast to kat

happy birthday

to one of my most greatest friends

who adds beauty & light to every scene

and knows how to eat well!

here's to you...
& the 26 years that you've showered the world with your presence

still young. still lively. still knows how to get down.
you've aged gracefully.

well done.

cheers, kat!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

naomi blythe

welcome to this world, oh little one!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


the vibe was pleasant & comforting. the streets were reminiscent of florence. i love how picturesque it was. it was quaint & charming with a touch of romance...a bit of a poetic feel. it was a place i certainly needed to be in.

so of course, i fell in love with it.