Saturday, January 29, 2011

a list of...

i keep forgetting what i'm doing...
 this is an ongoing habit or maybe i should say is simply my 
modus operandi.

today,  i listed with intent the things i wanted/needed to get done today.
i wrote them down in my notebook and even typed it in my google tasks list. i made
sure to list them in order of priority. 
none..i say, none of those things were accomplished today.
i'm not quite sure whether to feel unsuccessful, discontented, unproductive or 
frustrated with myself because this is a feeling i've felt before.
a feeling i am most acquainted with and most times, at the end of the day, i 
accept my lackadaisical ways. 

oh well. 
i've abandoned this blog because i ran out of my free uploading space. 
ironically, i ended up using a blog that i have to pay monthly for. 
and one i'm barely using. however, i decided to use this one as a place
for venting and haphazard jibberish. much like what i'm
doing right now and much like what i did
on xanga during college. but noone reads xanga anymore. much like
how blogger will be in a couple of years. this blog shall be my 
"unprofessional" blog. the back story to my "career."
my so-called life.

i haven't written or read much lately. 
that really bothers me. i think maybe i should start taking
public transportation so i can have time to read and think.
plus, i'm really starting to dislike driving. 
i wish it was warmer out. one of the things on my list today
was to compare the costs of cta/metra versus gas. 

dang it. 

i'm supposed to be doing laundry right now.  i even
have the laundry bag laying on the floor next to the hamper
waiting to be stuffed and taken to the washer. 
instead, i stare at it..stare at my hamper..stare at the laundry bag again..
shrug and keep writing on this thing.

i've been shooting with film more often these days
but now i've accumulated a lot of rolls that i can't afford to
develop yet.  i didn't pay my darkroom fee this month and decided recently
that i have to really setup a darkroom in the bathroom.  it's just
one of those things i keep putting off but always think about doing.
i cringe when i see the box with
my enlarger in it.
i should add that as one of the top priorities on my list.
(well, we all know how that goes..)

i just realized the sudden need for me to start ending this post. 
mainly because its counter-productive and it has served it's purpose 
for today. 

til next time.